var List = ["F", "60", "59", "6", "7", "7'", "60'", "60a", "c1", "A", "5", "a1", "6.2", "A'", "B", "A1"];
var sortedListe = List.sort(function (a, b) {
var collator = new Intl.Collator('en', { numeric: true, sensitivity: "base" });
return, b);
What I get: ["5", "6", "6.2", "7", "7'", "59", "60", "60'", "60a", "A", "A'", "a1", "A1", "B", "c1", "F"]
PRO: 6.2 comes before 7; 7' is also in the right place; c1 is between B and F. CONTRA: Strings beginning with a letter are at the end of the list.
My expected result: ["A", "A'", "a1", "A1", "B", "c1", "F", "5", "6", "6.2", "7", "7'", "59", "60", "60'", "60a"]
If you need non-standard sorting rules, it's often easier to sort each part of the array separately rather than inventing a convoluted sorting callback:
function partition(ary, fn) {
let res = [[], []]
for (let x of ary)
res[fn(x) ? 1 : 0].push(x)
return res
let List = ["F", "60", "59", "6", "7", "7'", "60'", "60a", "c1", "A", "5", "a1", "6.2", "A'", "B", "A1"];
let collator = new Intl.Collator('en', { numeric: true, sensitivity: "base" });
let sortedListe = [].concat(
...partition(List, x => !isNaN(x[0]))
.map(a => a.sort(