I'm trying to import simple 3d model from Blender into Godot engine. But imported model is missing some faces for unknown reason.
How model is viewed in Blender
How model is viewed in Godot engine
Video, demonstrating broken model: https://www.veed.io/view/277419c3-5cd0-4b03-b9ce-2174cb777cdf?panel=share
Model file: https://file.io/JL0FHQHnvayl
Blender version: 3.0.1
Godot Engine version: v4.1.2.stable.mono.official [399c9dc39]
Thanks in advance.
UPD: Tried with Blender 3.6.5 - same thing.
UPD2: Same thing for model in DAE(Collada) and OBJ(Wavefront) formats.
Solved thanks to Theraot comment.
Search problematic vertices by "Select" -> "Select All By Trait" -> "Non Manifold"
Split area, containing problematic vertices into an object
Apply "Remesh" filter to it
Optionally apply "Decimate" filter.
Merge remeshed object back to main object