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Postgres joining data onto inserted generated IDs

In postgres, I want to insert multiple rows into a first table, and then use the generated identities to insert multiple rows into a second table. Is there a way to join the returning IDs with my data?

I have the following code snippet, in which I first insert new dividends into the inserted table, and then use those generated IDs to insert into the dividend table.

WITH inserted AS (
    INSERT INTO transaction (transaction_date, mutation)
    SELECT transaction_date, mutation FROM new_dividends
    RETURNING transaction_id
INSERT INTO dividend (transaction_id, effect)
SELECT transaction_id, effect FROM inserted;

This does not work, because in the second insert, the effect should be selected from new_dividends, as it is not present in the returning statement.

EDIT: The transaction_id gets generated in transaction, so it is not selected from new_dividends. Thus there is no common unique column between the two resultsets.


  • The fact the you are selecting from a CTE doesn't stop you from using any join you want: demo:

    WITH inserted AS (
        INSERT INTO transaction (transaction_date, mutation)
        SELECT transaction_date, mutation FROM new_dividends
        RETURNING transaction_id, transaction_date, mutation
    INSERT INTO dividend (transaction_id, effect)
    SELECT transaction_id, effect FROM inserted NATURAL JOIN new_dividends;
    table "transaction";
    transaction_id transaction_date mutation
    59b0f892-9c7b-4d00-b2c0-736169290221 2023-10-31 15:15:46.863376+00 mutation1
    table new_dividends;
    transaction_date mutation effect
    2023-10-31 15:15:46.863376+00 mutation1 effect1
    table dividend;
    transaction_id effect
    59b0f892-9c7b-4d00-b2c0-736169290221 effect1