everything is fine with 4 characters and Pool.map, it runs in about 46s
import multiprocessing as mp
from tqdm import tqdm
from hashlib import sha256
from string import printable
from itertools import product, count
charset = printable[:-6]
chars = [c.encode() for c in charset]
def e(i):
# sha256(W1n^r) = 705c098135f1d15e28157c6424b17a7803ccbb6a218baaa312845de7b43303fe
if sha256(i).hexdigest() == "705c098135f1d15e28157c6424b17a7803ccbb6a218baaa312845de7b43303fe":
print(f"FOUND msg: {i}")
return f"FOUND msg: {i}"
def g():
for length in count(start=1):
if length == 5:
for pwd in product(chars, repeat=length):
yield b''.join(pwd)
print("generator done")
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = mp.Pool(4)
for res in tqdm(p.map(e, g())):
if res is not None:
However, when the number of characters increased to 5, the generator was overloaded and my computer crashed. I looked up some solutions that suggested using imap but it took up to 2 hours??? while regular brute-force only takes about 1m33s
import multiprocessing as mp
from tqdm import tqdm
from hashlib import sha256
from string import printable
from itertools import product, count
charset = printable[:-6]
chars = [c.encode() for c in charset]
arr = []
def e(i):
if sha256(i).hexdigest() == "705c098135f1d15e28157c6424b17a7803ccbb6a218baaa312845de7b43303fe": # W1n^r
print(f"FOUND msg: {i}")
return True
def g():
for length in count(start=1):
if length == 5:
for pwd in product(chars, repeat=length):
yield b''.join(pwd)
print("generator done")
if __name__ == '__main__':
for i in tqdm(g(), total=78914410):
res = e(i)
if res is not None:
How should I handle the generator so that I can combine it with mutilprocess to brute-force 5 characters?
Multiprocessing would be superior to multithreading as the core functionality is CPU-bound.
You can use queues for communication between the main (parent) process and the subprocesses.
The following code runs for just over 12 minutes on my system. Results will vary according to platform and variations on number of subprocesses, batch size and password length.
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
from string import printable
from itertools import product, cycle
from hashlib import sha256
from queue import Empty
from time import perf_counter
PROCS = 7 # one less that CPU count
DIGEST = "705c098135f1d15e28157c6424b17a7803ccbb6a218baaa312845de7b43303fe"
BATCH = 10_000 # empirically determined to be a fairly good batch size
# check a batch of passwords
def process(qsend, qres):
while batch := qsend.get():
for v in map(str.encode, batch):
if sha256(v).hexdigest() == DIGEST:
# generate passwords
def genpwd():
for length in range(1, MAXLEN + 1):
for pwd in product(printable[:-6], repeat=length):
yield "".join(pwd)
def main():
qres = Queue() # response queue
# start PROCS processes each with a discrete input queue
# each proc uses the same response queue
procs = []
for queue in (queues := [Queue() for _ in range(PROCS)]):
(proc := Process(target=process, args=(queue, qres))).start()
batch = []
qc = cycle(queues)
solution = None
for pwd in genpwd():
if len(batch) == BATCH:
# send batch to the next queue in the cycle
batch = []
# occasional check for a response
solution = qres.get(block=False)
except Empty:
# if there's no solution (yet) make sure anything left over in the batch list is submitted
if not solution:
# tells each process to stop
for queue in queues:
# wait for all subprocesses to end
for p in procs:
# if there was no solution, check the response queue once more
# ...because there could be subprocesses still running when the main loop ended (generator exhausted)
if not solution:
solution = qres.get(block=False)
except Empty:
if solution:
print(f"Solution = {solution}")
print("No solution found")
if __name__ == "__main__":
start = perf_counter()
end = perf_counter()
duration = int(end - start)
Solution = W1n^r