I want to render some MathJax code by using MathJax-3.2.2 in WebView. So I have written some code for that :
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
webView = findViewById(R.id.webView);
webView.setWebViewClient(new android.webkit.WebViewClient());
//initial loading the page
btn = findViewById(R.id.btn);
btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
String latex = "$$(-b+sqrt(-b^2-4ac)) / (2a)$$";
String escapedExpression = escapeLatex(latex);
String javascript = "javascript:MathJax.Hub.Queue(['Typeset', MathJax.Hub, 'output']);" +
"document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = '\\(" + escapedExpression + "\\)';";
where when Button will press a new MathJax code should be shown by the end but unfortunately the initial rendering is good but when I am trying to update WebView it is showing nothing.
Can anyone help to change the onClick() method so that it will render properly.
latex_page.html is like
<script type="text/javascript" src="file:///android_asset/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js"></script>
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
jax: ["input/TeX", "output/CommonHTML"],
tex2jax: {
inlineMath: [['$', '$'], ['\\(', '\\)']],
displayMath: [['$$', '$$'], ['\\[', '\\]']],
processEscapes: true
CommonHTML: { linebreaks: { automatic: true } },
displayAlign: 'center',
displayIndent: '0'
<p> This LaTex cod load during create activity $$ax^2+bx+c=0$$</p>
<p>New LaTex render should show below:</p>
<div id="output"></div>
An Error :
I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Queue' of undefined", source: file:///android_asset/latex_page.html (1)
You appear to be loading MathJax version 3 (file:///android_asset/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js
), but are using version 2 calls (MathJax.Hub
). The two versions use very different APIs. See the documentation for help in upgrading to version 3.
Instead of MathJax.Hub.Queue(['Typeset', MathJax.Hub, 'output']);
, try