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table of proportions in R taking into account unique persons

I have 3 people in a study. They are asked to pick up as many items of fruit as they wish. I then want to count the times each fruit was picked up and create a proportion using the number of participants as the denominator.

I have a participant id and the name of the fruit arranged in a table as below:

data<-data.frame(id,fruit, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#I would normally approach the problem using the tabyl function

The percentage includes all the values in the denominator which isnt what I want. It says 33% of people chose the apple, whereas the % I need is that 100% of the people chose the apple, 33% chose the grapes etc.

Can anyone suggest any code that calculates the percentage of each fruit using the number of participants as the denominator?


  • dplyr:

    data |> 
        n = n(), 
        percent = n() / n_distinct(data$id) * 100,
        .by = fruit
    #        fruit n   percent
    # 1      apple 3 100.00000
    # 2       pear 2  66.66667
    # 3     orange 2  66.66667
    # 4     grapes 1  33.33333
    # 5 grapefruit 1  33.33333


    setDT(data)[, .(n = .N, percent = .N / length(unique(data$id))), by = fruit]