I have a method that is accessed by NUnit only with its name via reflection, and I can't use nameof()
because this is a TestCaseSource accessing test data in a static method in a derived class (the input data and [SetUp]
are different for each derived class, but the execution of the test is the same). This method doesn't need to be public/protected for NUnit to work, so for minimizing unwanted access I would like to set it to private, however, if I set it as private then I get a warning that the method is unused.
Is there a way to mark a method as explicitly used? Perhaps an attribute, or a preprocessor directive, that can tell the analyzer that this method is used?
No, but you can suppress the warning by surrounding the method declaration with a preprocessor directive. I'm assuming the warning you are seeing is CS0067. Example:
#pragma warning disable CS0067
private void MyMethod()
#pragma warning restore CS0067
// Method body