I'm a beginner with java and I need to write the get() and set() methods for my PlayingCard class and I need someone to explain why I keep getting an error saying "actual and formal argument lists differ in length".
This is the code that I was given to work with:
class PlayingCard
int value;
String suit;
and I have to write these methods:
This is the last rendition of the code that I tried, but I don't know why I keep getting the error.
public int getValue() {
return value;
public String getSuit() {
return suit;
public int setValue() {
return value;
public String setSuit() {
return suit;
I tried to follow the lecture slides that we were given, but nothing seems to be working. As I said before, I'm a newbie at working with java, so I don't have the eyes to understand what is wrong just yet.
I'm pretty new programmer too so bear with me, I don't think your setter methods should return anything. Usually they're void and look something like:
public void setSuit(String assignedSuit){
suit = assignedSuit;
This code means whenever you call upon your setSuit method with the a string parameter assignedSuit it can change the suit variable of your card object.
I think your getter methods are fine though. Hope this helps.