If I throw in an item that is identical one of the rows, it wont autofill the whole row.
Under the A column, I have the code CW01 which refers to the product Carcass White variant STD from a table with all the products. The way it works is, If I type that code, the Product Type, Product and Variant Column automatically fill in.
If I type that Code in another row it wont Autofill because the Code is already in a different row.
Currently I have a formula in that spills to the rows below for every item I pop in.
In Column A: it's a Data Validation Code
B: =IFERROR(FILTER(Table55[Categorie],ISNUMBER(MATCH(Table55[Code],A4:A20,0))),"")
C: =IFERROR(FILTER(Table55[Product],ISNUMBER(MATCH(Table55[Code],A4:A20,0))),"")
D: =IFERROR(FILTER(Table55[Variant],ISNUMBER(MATCH(Table55[Code],A4:A20,0))),"")
I: =IFERROR(FILTER(Table55[Price],ISNUMBER(MATCH(Table55[Product]&Table55[Variant],C4:C20&D4:D20,0)))*TOCOL(H4:H20,1)," ")
, i.e.
=XLOOKUP(TOCOL(A4:A20,1),Table55[Code],Table55[Categorie]," ")
in B4
=XLOOKUP(TOCOL(A4:A20,1),Table55[Code],Table55[Product]," ")
in C4
=XLOOKUP(TOCOL(A4:A20,1),Table55[Code],Table55[Variant]," ")
in D4
The formula in I4
should also be updated to
=IFERROR(XLOOKUP(TOCOL(A4:A20,1),Table55[Code],Table55[Price])*TOCOL('Form'!H4:H20,1)," ")