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Is there a list of tags accessible inside playbook?

I want to access an array of tags defined at execution. Is this possible? For example:

ansible-playbook /dev/foo.yml --tags tag1

Can I read in some metadata containing value tag1 in foo.yml?


  • See Special Variables:

    For example, the below play

    shell> cat pb.yml
    - hosts: all
        - debug:
            msg: |
              ansible_run_tags: {{ ansible_run_tags }}
              ansible_skip_tags: {{ ansible_skip_tags }}
          run_once: true
          tags: [t1, t2, t8, t9]

    gives (abridged)

    shell> ansible-playbook --tags t1,t2 --skip-tags t3,t4 pb.yml
      msg: |-
        ansible_run_tags: ['t2', 't1']
        ansible_skip_tags: ['t4', 't3']