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Ansible code to restart Apache

I have a basic playbook to restart an Apache server but I'm wondering how the following command is interpreted and converted to its equivalent -- service httpd start.

- name: ensure apache is running
      name: httpd
      state: started


  • service module first gets the status of the service (httpd). If the service is started or running or reloaded and the desired service state is started, it will not restart the service.

    self.svc_change = False
    if not self.running and self.state in ["started", "running", "reloaded"]:
        self.svc_change = True

    If you want to restart:

    state: restarted   ==>  service httpd restart

    service - Manage services

    • started/stopped are idempotent actions that will not run commands unless necessary
    • restarted will always bounce the service
    • reloaded will always reload