I am making a form that if I choose Products from 2 cells, the function will Match the 2 cells to a database(table) that has Product Codes etc and their prices.
The issue I'm having is that I need to make it a Map/Lambda function and have it only on 1 row that I can Protect and Hide so that it doesn't get deleted by accident, as I'm not the only one that will be using the form.
My current function that I have is
=IFERROR(INDEX(Table55[Price],MATCH(1,(Form!C4=Table55[Product])*(Form!D4=Table55[Variant]),0))*H4," ")
The issue is, I have to copy that function to every cell which will cause issues with other people deleting the cell by accident and basically destroying all the other cells that rely on all cells functioning correctly.
I Tried
but it keeps Spilling down over 100 rows which messes it up. Table55 which has all my Prices etc has over 100 products which I think is causing the spill.
The form is supposed to work like this:
You could use this formula
The formula is premised on