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Copying data from text file(which is in a specific pattern extracted from PDF file)

Need support on copying data from Text file to excel sheet1. In text file data is in specific pattern and want to extract some data from it to excel. what is required result is manually added in attached photo. text file photo is also attached for reference. Since its a large data and cannot be copied manually, need a VBA solution to it please.

Required data my data text file

Link to the files: Data files

i have tried this code but it brings complete data.

Sub CopyDataFromTextFile()
    Dim FilePath As String
    Dim DataPattern As String
    Dim DataArray() As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim LastRow As Long
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim CopyLine As Boolean
    ' Set the file path of the text file
    FilePath = "C:\Users\engr_\Desktop\Data4.txt"
    ' Set the data pattern to look for
    ' Split the data pattern into an array
    DataArray = Split(DataPattern, "|")
    ' Set the worksheet to paste the data into
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change the sheet name as needed
    ' Open the text file for reading
    Open FilePath For Input As #1
    ' Initialize variables
    LastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row + 1
    CopyLine = False
    ' Loop through the text file
    Do While Not EOF(1)
        Dim Line As String
        Line Input #1, Line
        ' Check if the line matches the data pattern
        For i = LBound(DataArray) To UBound(DataArray)
            If InStr(1, Line, DataArray(i), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
                CopyLine = True
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i
        ' If CopyLine is True, copy the line to the worksheet
        If CopyLine Then
            ws.Cells(LastRow, 2).Value = Line
            LastRow = LastRow + 1
        End If
    ' Close the text file
    Close #1
End Sub


  • The data in the text file is not structured as a well-organized table, making it challenging to determine how to split each line.

    Note: : Please review the TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION section in the output, as it may require fine-tuning.

    Option Explicit
    Sub Deomo()
        Dim FilePath As String
        Dim csvWK As Workbook, csvSht As Worksheet
        Dim arrData, arrRes(), sKey
        Dim i As Long, j As Long
        Const KEY1 = "TO BE ADDE"
        Const KEY2 = "TO BE REMO"
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        FilePath = "d:\TEMP\Data4.txt" ' Modify as needed
        ' Split by widht
        Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=FilePath, Origin:=xlWindows, _
            StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlFixedWidth, _
            FieldInfo:=Array(Array(0, 1), Array(10, 1), Array(56, 1), _
            Array(100, 1), Array(110, 1), Array(128, 1))
        Set csvWK = ActiveWorkbook
        ' Load data
        With csvWK.ActiveSheet
            arrData = .UsedRange.Value
        End With
        csvWK.Close False
        ReDim arrRes(1 To 5, 1 To UBound(arrData))
        j = 1
        ' Populate header
            arrRes(j, 1) = sKey
            j = j + 1
        Next sKey
        j = 1
        For i = LBound(arrData) To UBound(arrData)
            sKey = Trim(arrData(i, 4))
            ' Matching keyword
            If sKey = KEY1 Or sKey = KEY2 Then
                j = j + 1
                ' TO BE ADDED/REMOVED
                arrRes(5, j) = sKey & IIf(sKey = KEY1, "D", "VED")
                ' QTY
                arrRes(4, j) = arrData(i - 1, 6)
                ' PARTS CODE
                arrRes(3, j) = "'" & Trim(arrData(i - 1, 5))
                arrRes(2, j) = arrData(i - 1, 3) & arrData(i - 1, 4)
                ' DESCRIPTION
                arrRes(1, j) = arrData(i, 2)
            End If
        Next i
        ReDim Preserve arrRes(1 To 5, 1 To j)
        ' Write data to work sheet
        With ActiveSheet
            .Range("A1").Resize(j, 5).Value = Application.Transpose(arrRes)
        End With
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

    enter image description here

    Microsoft documentation:

    Workbooks.OpenText method (Excel)