I am trying to run some code when a Material Design Button component is clicked. Nothing seems to be working... can you help? I have tried the following:
How do we get buttons to trigger functions( surprisingly this is not listed in the documentation!)
<!-- Adding button to add new items-->
<button class="mdc-fab mdc-fab--extended" id="addItem" onClick="addItem">
<div class="mdc-fab__ripple"></div>
<span class="material-icons mdc-fab__icon">add</span>
<span class="mdc-fab__label">New Task</span>
<!-- End Button -->
Had the same issue.
In the end I used jquery to add an event listener on all items with a specific class.
for(item of data) {
template = `
<button pizza-id="${item.pizzaName}" class="order-btn mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--accent">
// Dynamic rendering of the buttons
// Adding click event listeners on all generated buttons with the class "order-btn"
Now clicking the button works as expected and calls a function called orderPizza
with the event as parameter !
I think that the classic onClick
attribute doesn't work because the click doesn't really occur on the button itself but rather on the autogenerated <span>
inside it.