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Using react testing-library to manipulate DOM in React App

I'm building some custom dev tools inspired by this Kent C Dodds post and trying to automatically fill in some values for a form I've created.

I have an button that triggers this function where I'm trying fill in an input box. Going off his suggestion to use some utilities from @testing-library/react I thought this should be possible.

  • Is there something wrong with my code?
  • Is this even possible? I tried manipulating the DOM directly, but it's a Material UI input and that was also not behaving as expected.
import { screen, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';

async function FillOutForm() {
    // const user = userEvent.setup(); // tried this on and off but didn't seem to matter

    const uploadButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: /upload/i });;

    //await for upload modal to open
    await screen.findByRole('dialog');

    const input = await screen.findByLabelText('Name');
    console.log('input', { input }); //works, it found the value

    // userEvent.type(input, 'test'); //freezes, no input filled

    // await user.type(input, 'test'); //freezes, no input filled

    // await act(async () => userEvent.type(await input, 'some text')); //fills in the text, but freezes after and gives an error
   console.log('i never get here?');

Edit: This appears to be specific to styled components or Material UI. When I use a vanilla input, userEvent.type seems to work just fine.

Edit #2: Here's a repro in stack blitz - at least for some freezing behavior.

Uncomment this line to see some type of infinite loop get kicked off.

    // //uncomment to see what causes freeze - some type of infinite loop?


  • It turns out I had an infinitely rendering component behind the form I was using. It allowed me to interact fine with the form when typing manually, but chaos ensued when I brought in react testing library.

    Turns out this is a completely valid use case/approach and works now after I fixed that infinite loop problem.