I'm building a fuel price checker page using Node-Red, building this for the family website so the kids can keep an eye on fuel costs locally vs. what the average is to try and save them some ££ when they fill up their car.
I'm trying to extract the value (or values) of an array, I usually just copy the path I need into the variable e.g.
current_price_e5 = payload.stations[0].prices.E5
Station array contains over 300 entries and from what I'm finding is dynamic in length, each with a number of keys (see image below). How can I extract all of the values for each key under prices across the array? Clearly this doesn't work but is what I need as a new msg.payload:
current_price_e5 = payload.stations[0-313].prices.E5
Resolved following the code snippet suggested - For future searches the following worked for me and allowed to to get what I needed into another function to average and min/max:
const e10Prices = msg.payload.stations.map(station =>
station.prices).map(price => price.E10);
msg.payload = e10Prices;
return msg;
Maybe this will help you:
const stations = [
name: "Station1",
prices: {
E5: 1.82,
E10: 1.51
name: "Station2",
prices: {
E5: 1.76,
E10: 1.53
name: "Station3",
prices: {
E5: 1.89,
E10: 1.53
const e5Prices = stations.map(station=>station.prices).map(price=>price.E5);
console.log(e5Prices); // => [1.82, 1.76, 1.89]