I developed a multiple image slider which is scrollable horizontally with mouse wheel. The problem is that when I scroll down with the mouse wheel on the page and reach the slider, although the slider starts to move from right to left, the page continues to scroll down. I want to prevent the page form further scrolling. I tried to put "overflow: hidden" on the body while the mouse is over the slider, but then the slider jumps because of the scroll disappearing and reappearing. Does anybody have an idea how could I solve this? Thank you in advance.
sliderWrapper.addEventListener('wheel', () => {
let sliderLeft = firstImg.getBoundingClientRect().left;
let sliderWrapperLeft = sliderWrapper.getBoundingClientRect().left;
let sliderRight = lastImg.getBoundingClientRect().right;
let sliderWrapperRight = sliderWrapper.getBoundingClientRect().right;
function detectMouseWheelDirection(e) {
var delta = null,
direction = false;
if (!e) {
// if the event is not provided, we get it from the window object
e = window.event;
if (e.wheelDelta) {
// will work in most cases
delta = e.wheelDelta / 60;
} else if (e.detail) {
// fallback for Firefox
delta = -e.detail / 2;
if (delta !== null) {
direction = delta > 0 ? 'up' : 'down';
return direction;
function handleMouseWheelDirection(direction) {
// if mousewheel direction is down, move the slider to the left
if (direction == 'down' && sliderRight > sliderWrapperRight) {
innerSlider.style.left = --count * 15 + '%';
// if mousewheel direction is up, move the slider to the right
} else if (direction == 'up' && sliderLeft <= sliderWrapperLeft) {
innerSlider.style.left = ++count * 15 + '%';
} else {
innerSlider.style.left = 0 + '%';
count = 0;
document.onmousewheel = function (e) {
if (isMouseHover) {
if (window.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', function (e) {
Just prevent the default behavior of the event and it's propagation in your sliderWrapper event listener for the wheel: pass it as a parameter for the listener function, and then