I'm writing a test which I need to create a record in local DynamoDB with a nullable boolean property. This is my setup:
data class Event(
// other properties
var isEnabled: Boolean? = false,
companion object {
val SCHEMA: TableSchema<Event> = TableSchema.fromBean(Event::class.java)
import software.amazon.awssdk.enhanced.dynamodb.DynamoDbEnhancedClient
data class EventRepository(
private val enhancedClient: DynamoDbEnhancedClient,
) {
val table: DynamoDbTable<Event> = enhancedClient.table(
tableNameWithPrefix, Event.SCHEMA)
class TestController {
private lateinit var repo: EventRepository
fun test() {
repo.table.putItem(Event(isEnabled = true))
I'm not sure how DynamoDB handles boolean values, somehow this field is_enabled
is always missing in the database. When the property was set to Boolean?
, the record in database has is_enabled = null
It works if I change the property to Boolean, the record in database has is_enabled = true when I set the value
And changing the property to Boolean
does not work for me because this value can be nullable.
DynamoDB does not support nulling of values, it instead has a data type Null
As DynamoDB is a schemaless database, it's suggested not to save Null values.
Furthermore, Java Bean has some guidance on using the isVariable
naming convention which may also cause issue: From the JavaBeans specification, 8.3.2:
In addition, for boolean properties, we allow a getter method to match the pattern: public boolean is(); This is method may be provided instead of a get method, or it may be provided in addition to a get method.