How can I avoid this error: "The CloudFront function associated with the CloudFront distribution is invalid or could not run. SyntaxError: Illegal export statement", and still be able to unit test a function?
function handler (event) {
return event.request;
Test code for jest
const handler = require('./myfun.js');
test('handler runs', () => {
expect(handler({request: {}})
Running jest
, would generate an error like : TypeError: rewrite is not a function
Due to limitations in CloudFront functions runtime, it is not possible at the moment to run functions with export
and other mechanisms.
A quick workaround is to avoid deploying the code from file and read it with an IaC tool that allows preprocessing, eg: cdk.
Where the extra line was added at the end of myfun.js
module.exports = handler;
And the CDK code to create the CFN Function resource is:
CF_FUNCTION_FILE = "./myfun.js"
output = []
with open(CF_FUNCTION_FILE) as f:
output += f.readlines()[:-1] # Skip last line
self, "myCFfun",