According to the docs of Zod I can use trim, but trim will only remove the whitespace characters at the end and beginning. I am looking for a way to remove all of the whitespace characters. To give you an idea of the setup I am using (removed irrelevant code):
const stp = zodString({
invalid_type_error: '',
required_error: '',
.min(1, { message: '' })
.max(10, { message: '' })
.regex(reg, { message: '', });
Is there a way to implement some sort of trim to remove all white space with zodString?
Using a pipe, you can first remove the white spaces and then perform additional validations.
z.string().transform(value => value.replace(/\s+/g, ''))
.pipe(z.string().min(1, { message: 'This field is required' }))