I have a plugin model in an .NET 6 app. I have a list of "environments" each of whose configuration contains a plugin to instantiate.
PluginName:"plugin1\\abcplugin,myplugin" <- v1.0.0.0
PluginName:"plugin2\\abcplugin,myplugin" <- v2.0.0.0
I loop through the environments running the plugins.
The code for each plugin is in its own separate folder.
In folder plugin1 I have abcplugin.dll v1.0.0.0 In folder plugin2 I have abcplugin.dll v2.0.0.0
Which ever plugin I load second I get an error when executing Assembly.LoadFrom():
System.IO.FileLoadException: Assembly with same name is already loaded
Is there a way to get around this issue?
Here's the code I use to instantiate it:
public static ISyncPlugin Create(string assemblyName, string typeName, INotificationService notificationService)
var path = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; // path of currently running assembly with dll extension
path = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); // strip filename
path = path + Constants.PLUGIN_FOLDER + assemblyName + ".dll"; // add plugin folder and assembly name of plugin to instantiate
if (!File.Exists(path))
notificationService.LogError($"SyncPluginFactory could not find plugin assembly at {path} - please check the spelling:");
return null;
var asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(path);
if (assemblyName.Contains('\\'))
assemblyName = assemblyName.Substring(assemblyName.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); // strip off folder name
var type = asm.GetType(assemblyName + "." + typeName);
if (type == null)
notificationService.LogError($"SyncPluginFactory cannot find {assemblyName} {typeName}- please check the spelling");
return null;
ISyncPlugin plugin;
plugin = (ISyncPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
var fvi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(path);
notificationService.LogDebug($"Plugin {assemblyName}.{typeName} instantiated successfully - version {fvi.FileVersion}");
catch (Exception e)
notificationService.LogError($"SyncPluginFactory cannot instantiate {assemblyName} {typeName}- please check the spelling: {e}");
return null;
return plugin;
By changing the following line:
var asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(path);
To :
var asm = Assembly.LoadFile(path);
I am able to load and execute the plugins with same name but different versions.