We are developing an AngularJS application with plotly.js charts. We have a scatter plot that can have multiple y axes. We would like to stack the y axes horizontally to the right of the chart (ideally) or every odd y axes on the left and every even y axes on the right. There is an example of how this can be done in the Plotly.js references docs here with a link to a code pen example. Notice how the chart has 2 y axes stacked on the left side and 2 y axes stacked on the right side:
But when I attempt to mimic this behavior, I get this:
Note that the kWh axis (blue) is positioned within the chart (about 85% in from the left). Why does it do this whereas the code pen example does not?
Here is my trace data:
"hovertemplate":"%{x}<br>%{y:.2f} %{text}<extra></extra>",
"hovertemplate":"%{x}<br>%{y:.2f} %{text}<extra></extra>",
"hovertemplate":"%{x}<br>%{y:.2f} %{text}<extra></extra>",
And here is my layout:
"text":"Time Series",
The code to build the layout looks like this:
var layout = {
title: {
text: 'Time Series',
font: {
color: "#3dcd58",
family: "Nunito-Regular",
size: 18
xanchor: "left",
x: 0
font: {
color: "#333",
family: "Nunito-Regular"
dragmode: 'select',
autosize: true,
margin: {
l: 20,
r: 15,
b: 30,
t: 30
plot_bgcolor: '#ffffff',
showlegend: true,
legend: {
x: 0,
bgcolor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.3)'
xaxis: {
range: [minMaxDateValues[0], minMaxDateValues[1]]
hovermode: 'closest'
for (var i = 0; i < visibleDrivers.length; i++) {
var driver = visibleDrivers[i];
var yAxisName = 'yaxis' + (i > 0 ? (i + 1) : '');
var minMax = _.find(minMaxDriverValues, function(values) {
return values.id === driver.nodeId + '.' + driver.measurementGroupId;
if (!minMax) {
id: driver.nodeId + '.' + driver.measurementGroupId,
yAxis: yAxisName,
minValue: driver.minValue,
maxValue: driver.maxValue
layout[yAxisName] = {
showticklabels: true,
side: i % 2 > 0 ? 'right' : 'left',
position: i < 2 ? undefined : 0.85,
overlaying: i > 0 ? 'y' : undefined,
tickfont: { color: driver.color },
range: driver.measurementGroupId === 2
? energyRange
: [
minMax ? minMax.minValue : driver.minValue,
minMax ? minMax.maxValue : driver.maxValue
name: driver.unit
Note that I am toggling the side the y axis shows up on like this: side: i % 2 > 0 ? 'right' : 'left'
. And I am setting the position of the y axis like this: position: i < 2 ? undefined : 0.85
This works well for the first two y axes. The first gets placed on the left with no position, and the second gets placed on the right with no position. Then when it comes to the third y axis, it gets assigned to the right and gets a position of .85. This apparently (unlike the code pen example) positions it 85% into the chart from the left (even though it's assigned to the right side).
I can try a hack of setting it's position to 1.0, which places it as far right on the chart as it can go (but still inside the chart):
But this is not ideal because 1) we want the axes to sit outside the chart, and 2) what happens when we have a fourth or fifth or sixth y axis? Anything beyond a position of 1.0 seems to just be ignored and positions the axis back at the beginning (left side of the chart):
Looking at my code and the resultant layout, can anyone see what I'm doing wrong that the code pen example is doing right? Thanks!
You need to constrain the xaxis domain
to make some room for the y axes, eg.
const layout = {
// ...
xaxis: { domain: [0.0, 0.9] }
This makes the portion of the plot [0.9, 1.0]
available, also now the y axes set with side: 'right'
are positioned at 0.9
by default, so you would then adjust the position
of the third y axis, eg.
position: i < 2 ? undefined : 0.95,