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C# tuple array throws out of memory excpetion

Just wanted to know why this line throws an excpetion on runtime but compiles fine.

Also what is the best way to prevent this?

var vowelsArray = new char['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] ; // Is of type char[,,,,]

and this one works since it's a normal char array

var vowels = new char[] { 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u' }; // Is of type char[]?

In the output window you'll see the OutOfMemory Exception


  • For anyone wondering: Like @MongZhu said, it is a jagged Array. So, when we have

    int[] array1 = new int[5];

    it creates an array within an array at the first dimension with 5 entries.

    But as soon as we add, another dimension i.e

    int[,] array1 = new int[5,2];
        0   1
    0   00  00
    1   00  00
    2   00  00
    3   00  00
    4   00  00

    The size of the array is suddenly doubled.

    The array size is multiplied by the result of the previous indexies. Meaning that if we were to have an array with [5,2,3] we would get 5 * 2 * 3 = 30

    To answer my own question, why the jagged array caused an exception:

    The array size increased since the char gets converted into an number to get a size out of it. Here the letter 'a' represents the number 97, therefor all the vowels respond to numbers that multiply each other. Which are:

    a   97  
    i   105 
    e   101 
    o   111
    u   117

    This leads to an array with entries: 13’359’532’095 (more than 13 billion characters). And since .Net uses the full Unicode 4-byte encoding for characters, it works out as an attempt to allocate nearly 50 GB of RAM.