Search code examples

Google Apps Script - searching through an array doesn't return text values

I'm finding it really hard to word my question correctly into google.

I'm in the process of writing a Google Apps script that will search through a column of data to see if there's a match.

When I put the values into an array, the return is

[ 'data' ]

rather than an actual string. This means that I'll never find a match.

I thought it was because I was searching through a list of numbers stored as text (all Australian mobile phone numbers have a leading "0"), so I tried different columns with the same result.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong

Code excerpt:

//Global variables - spreadsheet name, sheet names
const This_File = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); 
const Code_Sheet = This_File.getSheetByName("Button");
const Data_Sheet = This_File.getSheetByName("Current_Members");
  function search_ph_num() {
    //find last row of data
    var last_row = Data_Sheet.getLastRow()
    var rng_map = "C2:C"+last_row
    //var rng_map = "A2:A"+last_row;



    //testing, input dummy data - will be read from email list
    var dummy_array = ["0412345678", "033999779", "0455667"];

    // first number should be found value
    //set search range to phone number column
    var this_range = Data_Sheet.getRange(rng_map);
1. var Skt_Number = this_range.getValues();
1.     //search phone numbers for existing data. Assume phone number is unique... pretty valid assumption.
1. for (var i = 0; i <= last_row; i = i + 1){
1. var isMatched = dummy_array.indexOf(Skt_Number[i]); 

        if (isMatched !== -1) {

//SNIP  actual code goes here
          SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert(i + 2);

        if (Skt_Number[i] == "0412345678"){
          var insert_dummy = Data_Sheet.getRange("I3");



          var insert_dummy = Data_Sheet.getRange("J3");






Log output:

2:08:04 PM  Notice  Execution started
2:08:05 PM  Info    C2:C11
2:08:05 PM  Info    [ '0412345678' ]
2:08:05 PM  Info    0412345678
2:08:05 PM  Notice  Execution completed

So, [ '0412345678' ] will never match 0412345678.

What am I doing wrong?

Input cell data into an array. Tried to search array using indexOf method. Expected to find match. No match returned.


  • From your showing script, I guessed that the reason for your current issue is due to Skt_Number of var Skt_Number = this_range.getValues(); is a 2-dimensional array.

    About So, [ '0412345678' ] will never match 0412345678., I think that [ '0412345678' ] is a 1-dimensional array. And, 0412345678 is a string value. And, Array.prototype.indexOf() can be used for a 1-dimensional array. If you want to compare them, how about modifying as follows.


    var isMatched = dummy_array.indexOf(Skt_Number[i]); 


    var isMatched = dummy_array.indexOf(Skt_Number[i][0]);
    • In your range, only one column is used with var rng_map = "C2:C"+last_row. So, Skt_Number is like [["value1"],["value2"],,,]. So, I modified Skt_Number[i] to Skt_Number[i][0].
