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making .toolbar to add text to Textfield in SwiftUI

I have the following code in swiftUI.

private var emailSection: some View {
        Section {
            HStack {
                UVFloatingTextField(title: "E-Mail", text: $email, keyboardType: .emailAddress)
                    .toolbar {
                        ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .keyboard) {
                            Button("") {
                            Button("Done") {
                                isInputActive = false

                if email.isEmpty {
        } header: {
            Text("Angaben zur E-Mail")

and the output looks like this. Which is my TextField


I would like to add more buttons like and when user clicks the button it will complete the input in textfield.

For example, user types "user123" in textfield and instead of manually writing clicks "" which writes it in the text field. If there is a better way then using Button or taskbar I am also open for suggestions. Thank you!

I have expected to make button work as my own autocomplete tool, but i couldn't figure out how to make it.


  • I haven't tested this but I'm pretty sure this should work

    Button("") {
        print("Clicked") += ""