I am having trouble with unmarshalling information i'm retrieving from my DynamoDB table. This is t e raw format of it.
"email": {"S": "[email protected]"},
"name": {"S": "John Doe"},
"clientConfiguration": {
"M": {
"chartTimeScale": {
"S": "Periodic"
"naming": {
"S": "Site"
"clientName": { "S": "Client" },
"clientStatus": {"S": "Onboarding" },
"createdDate": {"S": "2023-09-19T15:46:09.688Z"},
"pageAccess": {
"M": {
"pageOne": {
"BOOL": false
"pageTwo": {
"BOOL": false
"pageThree": {
"BOOL": false
"pageFour": {
"BOOL": false
"pageFive": {
"BOOL": false
"users": {
"L": []
When i run this through the unmarshall(data)
I get the following:
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "John Doe",
"clientConfiguration": {
"chartTimeScale": "Periodic",
"naming": "Site"
"clientName": "Client" ,
"clientStatus": "Onboarding" ,
"createdDate": "2023-09-19T15:46:09.688Z",
"pageAccess": {
"M": {
"Lifts": {
"BOOL": true
"Roofs": {
"BOOL": true
"HVAC": {
"BOOL": true
"Refrigeration": {
"BOOL": true
"Car Parks": {
"BOOL": true
"users": []
I've tried using the unmarshall tool and creating my own version. but no luck.
Does anyone have any idea why and if so how to solve this. I'm using NodeJs
Easiest way to solve this issue is to use the Document Client, which abstracts you from the type descriptors that DynamoDB uses completely.
You can learn more from this blog:
As you show two completely different items it's hard to tell what the issue is, but my assumption is that you've double marshalled the item while saving it.