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Worksheets("X").Cells(row, column) not copying values from multiple sheets

I have an issue that is related with the Worksheets("X").Cells(row, column) statement, situation is:

3 sheets in the workbook: "X", "Y", "Z"

Sheet "X" has 2 columns (A and B) filled with data in all 100 rows from 1 to 100 Sheet "Y" has 2 columns (A and B) filled with data in all 500 rows from 1 to 500 Sheet "Z" has 4 columns (A to D) filled with no data in all 100 rows

The target here is:

I need to find the matched values between sheet "X" and "Y" and transfer the values to sheet "Z".

From sheet "X", pick up the first cell (A1) and compare with sheet "Y" first cell (A1) If they are equal, we should copy the value of both A1 and B1 from sheets "X" and "Y" to sheet "Z" A1,B1,C1,D1 respectively.

The comparison should repeat for each cell in "A" column of sheet "X" to all 500 cells of "A" column of sheet "Y".

It looks like two loops, one inside other. Try to run this code but it does not work (the Z sheets is always "blank").

Maybe I need to "Select" and "Activate" the sheets, once we are working with multiple sheets? Not sure how to do it inside the "For" loop.

Any hint why it happens and how to solve?

This is the how the sheets look like and the code I tried without success:

enter image description here

Created a UserForm1 and a simple CommandButton1. When we click the button the code should be executed:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim row1 As Integer
Dim row2 As Integer

Worksheets(Array("X", "Y", "Z")).Select

For row1 = 1 To 100

    For row2 = 1 To 500

        If Worksheets("X").Cells(row1, 1) = Worksheets("Y").Cells(row2, 1) Then

            Worksheets("Z").Cells(row1, 1) = Worksheets("X").Cells(row2, 1)
            Worksheets("Z").Cells(row1, 2) = Worksheets("X").Cells(row2, 2)
            Worksheets("Z").Cells(row1, 3) = Worksheets("Y").Cells(row2, 1)
            Worksheets("Z").Cells(row1, 4) = Worksheets("Y").Cells(row2, 2)

        End If

        Exit For  



End Sub


  • I think, you don't need to use select for this case. You can reference the sheets and cells without activating them. Below code is self-explanatory by breaking it down into separate functions.

    Sub Main()
        Dim wsX As Worksheet, wsY As Worksheet, wsZ As Worksheet
        Dim nextRowZ As Long, i As Long, matchingRowY As Long
        Set wsX = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("X")
        Set wsY = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Y")
        Set wsZ = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Z")
        nextRowZ = 1
        For i = 1 To GetLastRow(wsX, 1)
            matchingRowY = GetMatchingRowSidebySide(wsX, wsY, i)
            If matchingRowY <> -1 Then
                wsZ.Cells(nextRowZ, 1).Value = wsX.Cells(i, 1).Value
                wsZ.Cells(nextRowZ, 2).Value = wsX.Cells(i, 2).Value
                wsZ.Cells(nextRowZ, 3).Value = wsY.Cells(matchingRowY, 1).Value
                wsZ.Cells(nextRowZ, 4).Value = wsY.Cells(matchingRowY, 2).Value
            End If
            nextRowZ = nextRowZ + 1
        Next i
    End Sub
    Function GetMatchingRowSidebySide(wsX As Worksheet, wsY As Worksheet, xRow As Long) As Long
     Dim j As Long
        For j = 1 To GetLastRow(wsY, 1)
            If wsX.Cells(xRow, 1).Value = wsY.Cells(j, 1).Value Then
                GetMatchingRowSidebySide = j
                Exit Function
            End If
        Next j
        GetMatchingRowSidebySide = -1
    End Function
    Sub TransferValues(wsX As Worksheet, wsY As Worksheet, wsZ As Worksheet, xRow As Long, yRow As Long, zRow As Long)
        wsZ.Cells(zRow, 1).Value = wsX.Cells(xRow, 1).Value
        wsZ.Cells(zRow, 2).Value = wsX.Cells(xRow, 2).Value
        wsZ.Cells(zRow, 3).Value = wsY.Cells(yRow, 1).Value
        wsZ.Cells(zRow, 4).Value = wsY.Cells(yRow, 2).Value
    End Sub
    Function GetLastRow(ws As Worksheet, col As Long) As Long
        GetLastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, col).End(xlUp).Row
    End Function