I'm running into a weird error with pytest (version 7.4.2). I am writing some unit tests, including some that expect exceptions. In particular, I have this test that expects a validation error when you try to put() the record:
class TestMyModel:
@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", [-7, -1, 0])
def test_non_positive_value_validation_error(self, value):
from models.datastore import MyModel
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
m = MyModel(
with pytest.raises(Exception):
Now, as expected, m.put()
is raising an exception. However, for some reason this error is causing the test to fail?!
FAILED src/models/datastore/test/test_my_model.py::TestMyModel::test_non_positive_value_validation_error[-7] - ValueError: IntegerProp(b'value', validator=<function MyModel.validate_value at 0x7fd44c257280>) must be a positive integer!
On the other hand, if I pass in a positive integer value, then the test fails because an exception was not thrown (as expected):
FAILED src/models/datastore/test/test_pick_bins.py::TestPickBins::test_non_positive_bin_num_validation_error[1] - Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'Exception'>
I've been searching around online, but no luck. At a loss for why this is happening. I also found that I get the same results if I use p = m.put_async()
and never call p.get_result()
For my unit tests, I have configured the testbed via an autouse fixture:
@pytest.fixture(scope='function', autouse=True)
def gae_testbed(request):
from google.appengine.ext import testbed
print('Activating gae_testbed...')
tb = testbed.Testbed()
print ("gae_testbed initialized!")
def teardown():
print('Deactivating GAE stubs...')
print('GAE stubs Deactived!')
return tb
Any help much appreciated!
The exception happens when you create the entity and not when you do the put.
Wrapping the entity creation in pytest.raises()
should fix it for you.