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Google Cloud Storage vs Google Cloud CDN

I have several video content that I share through my Google Cloud Storage through my Django Google App Engine Application with signed url mechanism associated with an expiration time.

def get_signed_url(self, entity):
    blob = bucket.get_blob(entity.url)
    expiration_time = + timedelta(minutes=120)
    signed_url = blob.generate_signed_url(expiration_time)

    return signed_url

Although it has been explained in [here][1] possible usage relationship of GCS and Google Cloud CDN, would this be applicable to stream video content (MP4 or MPEG-DASH with MP4) through Google Cloud Storage as it is mentioned to have an implicit CDN itself.

If using Google CDN is a wiser way to broadcast online video content, what would be the best strategy to achieve this, how can I use the Google Cloud CDN on top of my current implementation with Google Cloud Storage ?


  • To answer your question of how can I use the Google Cloud CDN on top of my current implementation with Google Cloud Storage on your django. You can base your implementation below with django-storages

    requirements.txt (the versions are the latest up to this day: 05-31-2020)



    SB_SA_FILE = os.environ.get('STORAGE_BUCKETS_FILE',
    STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'example.lib.storages.GoogleStaticFilesStorage'  # static
    DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'example.lib.storages.GoogleMediaFilesStorage'  # media
    GS_DEFAULT_ACL = 'publicRead'
    GS_CREDENTIALS = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
    GS_BUCKET_NAME = os.environ.get('GS_BUCKET_NAME')
    CDN_HOSTNAME = os.environ.get('CDN_HOSTNAME', '')


    from django.conf import settings
    from storages.backends.gcloud import GoogleCloudStorage
    class GoogleMediaFilesStorage(GoogleCloudStorage):
        def _save(self, name, content):
            name = f'{settings.MEDIA_URL[1:]}{name}'
            return super()._save(name, content)
        def url(self, name):
            @brief      for implementation of CDN using image field url
            @return     Dynamic return of CDN or local URL
            if settings.CDN_HOSTNAME:
                url = f'{settings.CDN_HOSTNAME}/{name}'
                return url
            return super().url(name)
    class GoogleStaticFilesStorage(GoogleCloudStorage):
        def url(self, name):
            name = f'static/{name}'
            if settings.CDN_HOSTNAME:
                url = f'{settings.CDN_HOSTNAME}/{name}'
                return url
            return super().url(name)

    Lastly, you need to run your django application with a CDN_HOSTNAME environment variable. The value of CDN_HOSTNAME environment variable must be the domain mapped in your Google Cloud Global Load Balancer which your desired Cloud Storage is set as a backend bucket