Here's my code:
// check if the time within 10 mins
if (Duration.between(listOfAppointment.get(Integer.parseInt(indicator) - 1).getDateTimeOfAppointment(), < 0) {
try {
listOfAppointment.get(Integer.parseInt(indicator) - 1).setCheckIn(true);
System.out.println("The check-in has been done! Let's see your PT!");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Invalid input, please try again!");
indicator = console.nextLine();
} else {
System.out.println("It seems that it's still too early, please wait util 10 minutes left!");
All related packages imported and I tried with sample date like one day after but still it always printed out the try-block content, please help me resolve it. Thanks!
updated answer - should swap the index of appointmentTime and now variables as below:
int index = Integer.parseInt(indicator) - 1;
LocalDateTime appointmentTime = listOfAppointment.get(index).getDateTimeOfAppointment();
LocalDateTime now =;
Duration timeDifference = Duration.between(now, appointmentTime);
if (timeDifference.compareTo(Duration.ofMinutes(10)) < 0) {
System.out.println("The check-in has been done! Let's see your PT!");
else {
System.out.println("It seems that it's still too early, please wait until 10 minutes are left!");