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Why is R printing 3 rows and 1 columns as the answer

x <- data.frame(Level=c(6.5))
x_poly <- poly(x$Level, 4, raw=TRUE)
x1 <- cbind(x, x_poly[, 2:4])

This is my code and whenever I was using cbind for some reason it was printing 3 rows and column even though both x and x_poly have only 1 row.

x_poly <-[, 2:4])

I tried to print the dimensions of x_poly and x_poly[,2:4]. For some reason x_poly shows 1 row on;y but x_poly[2:4] shows 3 rows.


  • When extracting using `[`, R uses drop (see ?drop), to coerce to the lowest possible dimensions.

    So from the matrix,

    > dim(x_poly)
    [1] 1 4

    you will get a vector.

    > dim(x_poly[, 2:4])

    We can do drop=FALSE.

    > dim(x_poly[, 2:4, drop=FALSE])
    [1] 1 3

    Thus, what you're looking for is

    > cbind(x, x_poly[, 2:4, drop=FALSE])
      Level     2       3        4
    1   6.5 42.25 274.625 1785.062


    x <- data.frame(Level=c(6.5))
    x_poly <- poly(x$Level, 4, raw=TRUE)