I've got a column of ages and a column of the count of those ages. I need these to be transformed into a set that I can run statistical functions like average on. For example:
Age | Count |
14 | 2 |
16 | 1 |
17 | 3 |
This needs to become (14,14,16,17,17,17) so that I could use =average or =stddev more easily on it. I have figured out a workaround to calculate average based off the formula but am stuck on standard deviation. There is probably a simple solution but I'm unable to find it on google.
Try using the following formula:
• Formula used in cell D2
• Formula used in cell D2
=TEXTSPLIT(TRIM(CONCAT(REPT(A2:A4&" ",B2:B4))),," ")/1
Edit: 3/28/2024
• Using TOCOL()
functions, bit shorter way:
Note: The above won't work with Text
values, for that a bit change refer below: