When you put a simple class.
public sealed class C {
public static void M() {
into https://sharplab.io/
it translates to (with annotations from me): (source)
L0000: push ebp /////////////////////
L0001: mov ebp, esp // function frame initialization
L0003: push edi /////////////////////
L0004: cmp dword ptr [0x281dc19c], 0 // if (0 == ???)
L000b: je short L0012 // then: jump to actual method body
L000d: call 0x727a8790 // else: call ??? what ???
L0012: nop // the actual method body
L0013: nop // the actual method body
L0014: pop edi /////////////////////
L0015: pop ebp // function frame teardown/exit
L0016: ret /////////////////////
What's the purpose of L0004 to L000d?
L0004: cmp dword ptr [0x281dc19c], 0 // if (0 == ???)
L000b: je short L0012 // then: jump to actual method body
L000d: call 0x727a8790 // else: call ??? what ??
What is the called function?
Is it terminating the process?
Why does C# JIT put this in every method?
I thought it might be something with inheritance, but i sealed the class and made the method static to eliminate that option.
Is it some kind of sanity check? like a check for:
The IL does not give a clue:
.method public hidebysig static
void M () cil managed
// Method begins at RVA 0x2069
// Code size 2 (0x2)
.maxstack 8
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ret
Thx @Dai, setting it to release removes the code. To be sure that the complete removal was not cased by the empty method body i added a simple statement
public static void M() {
jit in release mode results in (source):
L0000: mov ecx, 7
L0005: call dword ptr [0x10a25768]
L000b: ret
like @Dai said without the mentioned cmp-je
Let's play a fun game of "what's that doing in my code?"
I compiled this with csc /define:DEBUG; /debug+ /debug:portable
(and other options).
I added the blocking call to Console.ReadLine()
so that we don't need to fiddle with setting a breakpoint in the debugger.
using System;
namespace JitHmm
class Program
static void Main( string[] args )
public static class C
public static void M()
Console.WriteLine( "Foo" );
_ = Console.ReadLine();
As the program runs, it will print "Foo" to stdout then wait inside Console.ReadLine()
If you tell WinDbg to break, it will show the .NET main thread (apphost
) waiting inside NtReadFile
(as Console.ReadLine
is trying to read from stdin).
Don't forget to load symbols, so WinDbg's Disassembly window will show you the resolved function names for call
instructions instead of raw memory addresses.
Open the Stack Trace window and walk-up to the frame that represents the M()
function - this will be the frame right-before the first System_Console
!DumpStack -EE
then you'll see C.M()
in the dumped stack in the main command output window.Navigate to the C.M()
function, the Disassembly window should show you roughly the same contents as Sharplab:
00007ffe`9a615eff 005548 add byte ptr [rbp+48h], dl
00007ffe`9a615f02 83ec30 sub esp, 30h
00007ffe`9a615f05 488d6c2430 lea rbp, [rsp+30h]
00007ffe`9a615f0a 33c0 xor eax, eax
00007ffe`9a615f0c 8945fc mov dword ptr [rbp-4], eax
00007ffe`9a615f0f 488945f0 mov qword ptr [rbp-10h], rax
00007ffe`9a615f13 833d16cb090000 cmp dword ptr [7FFE9A6B2A30h], 0
00007ffe`9a615f1a 7405 je 00007FFE9A615F21
00007ffe`9a615f1c e8cf26c85f call 00007FFEFA2985F0
00007ffe`9a615f21 90 nop
00007ffe`9a615f22 33c9 xor ecx, ecx
00007ffe`9a615f24 894dfc mov dword ptr [rbp-4], ecx
00007ffe`9a615f27 488b0c258030701a mov rcx, qword ptr [1A703080h]
00007ffe`9a615f2f e8acffffff call 00007FFE9A615EE0
00007ffe`9a615f34 90 nop
00007ffe`9a615f35 e836ffffff call 00007FFE9A615E70
00007ffe`9a615f3a 488945f0 mov qword ptr [rbp-10h], rax
Instruct WinDbg to load Symbols, after a brief wait you'll see the call 00007FFEFA2985F0
line in the disassembly window change to call coreclr!JIT_DbgIsJustMyCode (7ffefa2985f0)
...so just what is JIT_DbgIsJustMyCode
Run the command !u 00007ffe`9a615f13
- which will print an annotated disassembly of the function at 00007ffe`9a615f13
, which shows me this:
Normal JIT generated code
ilAddr is 0000000000592064 pImport is 0000000002BFD460
Begin 00007FFE9A615F00, size 46
C:\git\_bollocks\JitHmm\Program.cs @ 16:
00007ffe`9a615f00 55 push rbp
00007ffe`9a615f01 4883ec30 sub rsp,30h
00007ffe`9a615f05 488d6c2430 lea rbp,[rsp+30h]
00007ffe`9a615f0a 33c0 xor eax,eax
00007ffe`9a615f0c 8945fc mov dword ptr [rbp-4],eax
00007ffe`9a615f0f 488945f0 mov qword ptr [rbp-10h],rax
>>> 00007ffe`9a615f13 833d16cb090000 cmp dword ptr [00007ffe`9a6b2a30],0
00007ffe`9a615f1a 7405 je 00007ffe`9a615f21
00007ffe`9a615f1c e8cf26c85f call coreclr!GetCLRRuntimeHost+0x82700 (00007ffe`fa2985f0) (JitHelp: CORINFO_HELP_DBG_IS_JUST_MY_CODE)
00007ffe`9a615f21 90 nop
C:\git\_bollocks\JitHmm\Program.cs @ 17:
00007ffe`9a615f22 33c9 xor ecx,ecx
00007ffe`9a615f24 894dfc mov dword ptr [rbp-4],ecx
C:\git\_bollocks\JitHmm\Program.cs @ 19:
00007ffe`9a615f27 488b0c258030701a mov rcx,qword ptr [1A703080h] ("Foo")
00007ffe`9a615f2f e8acffffff call 00007ffe`9a615ee0
00007ffe`9a615f34 90 nop
C:\git\_bollocks\JitHmm\Program.cs @ 20:
00007ffe`9a615f35 e836ffffff call 00007ffe`9a615e70
00007ffe`9a615f3a 488945f0 mov qword ptr [rbp-10h],rax
00007ffe`9a615f3e 90 nop
C:\git\_bollocks\JitHmm\Program.cs @ 21:
00007ffe`9a615f3f 90 nop
00007ffe`9a615f40 488d6500 lea rsp,[rbp]
00007ffe`9a615f44 5d pop rbp
00007ffe`9a615f45 c3 ret
part - that's something we can search on .NET's main GitHub repo
...which resolves to this actual function baked-in to the CLR itself: void JIT_DbgIsJustMyCode()
...which is documented in debug/ee/debugger.h
as well as coreclr/vm/jithelpers.cpp
// The jit injects probes in debuggable managed methods that look like: // if (*pFlag != 0) call JIT_DbgIsJustMyCode. // pFlag is unique per-method constant determined by GetJMCFlagAddr. // JIT_DbgIsJustMyCode will get the ip & fp and call OnMethodEnter. // pIP is an ip within the method, right after the prolog.
// Callback for Just-My-Code probe // Probe looks like: // if (*pFlag != 0) call JIT_DbgIsJustMyCode // So this is only called if the flag (obtained by GetJMCFlagAddr) is // non-zero.
Therefore, the mystery cmp
and je
instructions correspond to the emited instructions for if(*pFlag != 0)
The actual GetJMCFlagAddr
function is not provided by the CLR.
So, what does it do?
It allows your debugger to be informed when the program's execution-point reaches a user function (as opposed to a library-function) which is how the "Just my code" debugger option in Visual Studio works.
...though I'm unsure why they do it this way, instead of (for example) using only PDB Symbols.