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AlpineJS: @click doesn't work on <option> tag

I'd like to make changes value using @click in <option>, how can improve it while the code seems like @click inside on <option>

 <x-input select class=" w-[270px] h-10 duration-100" x-bind:disabled="modal ? true : false">
     @foreach (DB::table('t930_calendar_name')->get() as $v)
         <option value="{{ $v->c_calendar_name }}" 
                 @click="confirm ? modal = true : subActive = '{{ $v->c_calendar_name }}'; tempSubActive =  '{{ $v->c_calendar_name }}'">
             {{ $v->c_calendar_name }}

I have tried but the value doesn't change, I've try like this to check the value changed.

<span x-text="subActive + ' subActive'"></span><br>
<span x-text="tempSubActive + ' tempSubActive'"></span><br>


  • It solved. Using this one

    <x-input select class="w-[270px] h-10 duration-100" 
             @change="confirm ? modal = true : subActive = $; 
             confirm ? tempSubActive = $ : tempSubActive = subActive; 
             confirm ? $ = subActive : tempSubActive = subActive;"
             x-bind:disabled="modal ? true : false">
             @foreach (DB::table('t930_calendar_name')->get() as $v)
                    <option value="{{ $v->c_calendar_name }}"
                         x-text="tempSubActive != subActive ? tempSubActive : '{{ $v->c_calendar_name }}'">