I'm pulling RSS data from this URL and this is how their data structure looks like.
It has duplicate child element itunes:season. How do I correctly parse it in JavaSCript? Any help will be apprciated! :)
here is the gist of my code:
success: function(data) {
.each(function() {
const el = $(this);
const seasonLS = el.find("itunes\\:season").text();
const episodeLS = el.find("itunes\\:episode").text();
I tried fetching it by the child name but the duplicate child names are throwing it off.
Sorry for the unclear question. Here is more information.
The expected output for <itunes:season>
is 6
. This one spits out 66
is chained on below:
const RSS_URL = *** URL ***
$.ajax(RSS_URL, {
accepts: {
xml: "application/rss+xml"
dataType: "xml",
success: function(data) {
If your goal is to just grab those two elements regardless of how many there are .. Why not just create a DOM object, and search by tag .. Then find the first index of each:
const htmlString = `<item>
const domParser = new DOMParser();
const docElement = domParser.parseFromString(htmlString, "text/html").documentElement;
var emCollection = docElement.getElementsByTagName("item");
for (var i = 0; i < emCollection.length; i++) {
const seasonLS = emCollection[i].getElementsByTagName('itunes:season')[0].innerHTML;
const episodeLS = emCollection[i].getElementsByTagName('itunes:episode')[0].innerHTML;
console.log("Episode: " + episodeLS + "\n Season: " + seasonLS)