I'm trying to convert the following hex string: "42AA4000" to 85.125 (float-32)
I'm try modify code from Řrřola REF.
this my code (don't work)
function hex_to_number(str) {
// Pad the string with zeroes to 16 characters.
// You can omit this if you control your inputs.
str = (str + "0000000000000000").slice(0,16);
// Split into bits: sign (1), exponent (11), significand (52).
var sign_and_exponent_bits = parseInt(str.slice(0,3), 16);
var sign = sign_and_exponent_bits >= 0x100 ? -1 : +1;
var exponent_bits = sign_and_exponent_bits & ((1<<8) - 1);
var significand_bits = parseInt(str.slice(3,16), 16);
// Classify the floating-point value.
if (exponent_bits == 0x0FF) // infinity | not a number
return significand_bits == 0 ? sign * Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Number.NaN;
else if (exponent_bits == 0) // zero | subnormal number
return sign * Math.pow(2, 1-127-23) * significand_bits;
else // normal number
return sign * Math.pow(2, exponent_bits-127-23) * (Math.pow(2, 23) + significand_bits);
How can I get a javascript function that gives me the answer I need? Thank you.
You don't need any external code for this - use a DataView:
const dv = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(4));
dv.setUint32(0, 0x42AA4000);
let output = dv.getFloat32(0);
More details on the DataView
object is available at MDN