I have a table like that that I render on a slide with Rmarkdown into a reveal.js html presentation:
|variable |class |description |
|character_1_gender |character |The gender of the older character, as identified by the person who submitted the data for this couple|
|character_2_gender |character |The gender of the younger character, as identified by the person who submitted the data for this couple|
In other parts, I use the incremental option to let list items appear after each other as fragments:
- The two (or more) actors play actual love interests (not just friends, coworkers, or some other non-romantic type of relationship)
- The youngest of the two actors is at least 17 years old
- Not animated characters
How can I create a new class incremental_table
that treats each table row as a fragment and can otherwise be used just as in the list example?
Maybe it is a starting point for you. You can solve this manually using raw HTML code, e.g.
format: revealjs
## Incremental
<tr class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1">
<td>The gender of the older character, as identified by the person who submitted the data for this couple</td>
<tr class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2">
<td>The gender of the younger character, as identified by the person who submitted the data for this couple</td>