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How to deal: conan & cmake setup does not print stdout on windows


I have the project github SageStore, branch 64_create_mainwindow

I'm trying to configure project on my Windows 11 machine using VS Code as an IDE.

So, when I'm building my project I'm like

conan install . --output-folder=build --build=missing -s build_type=Debug
cmake .. --preset conan-debug
cmake --build .

And then I just go and run the bad guy:

cd build\Client 

But unless the main.cpp where I do something like this:

void initSpdlog()
    // Create color multi threaded logger
    auto console = spdlog::stdout_color_mt("console");

    // Set the log level

    // Set the pattern
    console->set_pattern("[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%e] [%^%l%$] %v");

    // Flush the log entries automatically

int main()
    std::cout << "stdout works fine" << std::endl;
    SPDLOG_INFO("SageStoreClient started"); // Make sure you're using the macro SPDLOG_INFO, not the function

The program prints nothing.


1. Test in Qt Creator

When I use Qt Creator to setup project and run it. It gives me fine output for stdout inside Qt Creator (no matter if it's output window or external terminal).


I figured out that it's because Projects >> Run >> Add build library search in PATH flag

Or <value type="bool" key="RunConfiguration.UseLibrarySearchPath">false</value> inside the CMakeLists.txt.user generated by Qt Creator on the project configuration stage.

2. Test minimal project setup

I've created small conan&cmake app just to test stdout (using std::cout) and spdlog lib from conan. Everything is fine.

Some thoughts

I think that something is wrong with my environment variables. Especially, in env I guess I have no paths to installed conan2 shared libs for proper execution.

Does conan2 provide proper solution for this? My research still gives nothing.

Also I expect some Qt 6.4.3 stdout CMake C++20 conflicts.

Update 1

exit code


  • The main problem was that Conan2 generate shared libs that I don't have path to and bat scripts to setup env conanrun.bat for running also does not help. For example, in windows this libs should be in PATH to be found (or LD_LIBRARY_PATH for linux).

    So, I just configured conan to copy shared libs and it's deps direct to my executables and, as expected, it fixed the issue.