How can I use side captions in Quarto PDF?
Will fig-cap-location: margin
give me the desired result in pdf format?
I have tried putting it the header but this will be applied to all figures, however, I would like to specify it for each figure separately.
Instead of using the quarto or latex syntax, use knitr to include the picture and put the cap-location argument in the chunk options like this:
#| echo: false
#| fig-cap: My Picture
#| cap-location: margin
Edit (10/14/2023)
The problem we are running into is that LaTeX/Quarto is reserving space specifically for the margin across the document. So we need to convince our text to specifically infringe into the margin. This is definitely a hack solution (and not super convenient), but it is an option.
format: pdf
This is some text to span across the page in order to see how the margins change in relation to the other text.
#| echo: false
#| fig-cap: My Picture
#| cap-location: margin
This is some more text to span across the page in order to see how the margins change in relation to the other text.