Message Event console.logs MessageEvent info SO, as you guys can see in the img, im getting swated by this console.logs, and need help removing them, it says they come from a conten getdify.js
I know it is something i'm doing because they only appear when im working on a proyect or building something, in any other page this console.logs aren't there, im no expert but this thing is just annoying
Well i reaaally tried searching for people with the same issue but no luck, guess im the only bastard with this things
At the beginning tried to search for every possible lose console.log left alone no luck
Edit: Somethimes the console.log spamming just stop, I don't do anything different, just working suddenly stops.
For me, it is the cashback widget. Turning off the cashback widget was what stopped the massive spamming for me. Going into the Opera settings and then searching for "cashback" should be enough to find the setting.