I'm sending a post request for the Login API of Demoblaze Website https://www.demoblaze.com/. I've searched over the internet about their official API documentation, and have found the postman collection that is used for this.
The login API specs found in postman:
endpoint: https://api.demoblaze.com/login
"username": "horacioss1",
"password": "1234567890"
when I send the request I get the following response:
"Auth_token: aG9yYWNpb3NzMTE2OTc2NDM="
The question here is how can I create a POJO class for the following response:
"Auth_token: aG9yYWNpb3NzMTE2OTc2NDM="
as it's just a string not a key-value pair.
Since it's a String, you cannot use default deserialization in Rest-Assured. To get token, just split String and get it.
String res = given()...asString();
String token = res.split(" ")[1];
if you want to do something like POJO (it's little bit over skill), then here you are:
void q77275023() {
String res = given()...asString();
String token = new Auth(res).getAuthToken();
System.out.println("token = " + token);
static class Auth {
private String authToken;
public Auth(String res) {
String value = res.split(" ")[1];
this.authToken = value;
public String getAuthToken() {
return authToken;