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Not work when use -I(capital i) in gcc in makefile

I am writing a Makefile to run my c program.

The directory and files are shown below, enter image description here

And here is my codes in Makefile

all: perimeter.o main.c 
    gcc -o program main.c perimeter.o

perimeter.o: perimeter.c perimeter.h
    gcc -c perimeter.c

    find ./ -executable -delete

test: tests

tests: test.o
    gcc -o tests test.o

test.o: ./tests/test.c
    gcc -c ./tests/test.c -I..

However, the header files can not be found

enter image description here

Then I tried...

test.o: ./tests/test.c perimeter.h
    gcc -c ./tests/test.c -I..


test.o: ./tests/test.c perimeter.h
    gcc -c ./tests/test.c -I ../


test.o: ./tests/test.c perimeter.h
    gcc -c ./tests/test.c

All Failed

So I think -I.. is not work.(I also tried -I ../)

How to solve this problem?


  • The script expects the CWD to be the directory containing Makefile (since it uses perimiter.c and ./tests/test.c), so perimiter.h is in the CWD, so

    gcc -c ./tests/test.c -I..

    should be

    gcc -c ./tests/test.c -I.