My aim is code a project which records human sound and changes it (with effects). e.g : a person will record its sound over microphone (speak for a while) and than the program makes its like a baby sound.
This shall run effectively and fast (while recording the altering operation must run, too)
What is the optimum way to do it ?
If you're looking for either XNA or DirectX to do this for you, I'm pretty sure you're going to be out of luck (I don't have much experience with DirectSound; maybe somebody can correct me). What it sounds like you want to do is realtime digital signal processing, which means that you're either going to need to write your own code to manipulate the raw waveform, or find somebody else who's already written the code for you.
If you don't have experience writing this sort of thing, it's probably best to use somebody else's signal processing library, because this sort of thing can quickly get complicated. Since you're developing for the PC, you're in luck; you can use any library you like using P/Invoke. You might try out some of the solutions suggested here and here.