I am trying to declare a custom UUID variable to be used on multiple queries during a transaction.
I have tried using a javascript variable but that defeated the purpose of trying to declare the variable on the server? The below code executes fine in psql...
DO $$
gen_ulid UUID;
gen_ulid = generate_ulid();
INSERTION queries ...
END $$;
...but the following returns error: '...Failed to insert error: syntax error at or near "DECLARE"'
try {
await pool.query("BEGIN")
await pool.query("DO $$ DECLARE gen_ulid UUID")
await pool.query("BEGIN gen_ulid = generate_ulid()")
await pool.query("INSERT ... ")
await pool.query("END$$")
await pool.query("COMMIT")
A single DO-statement is a single query. And you have to send this as a single query to your database, not in multiple queries.
For a single DO-statement you don't need a transaction, a single statement is already some sort of transaction by itself. So you don't need the BEGIN and COMMIT statements, but it doesn't hurt either.
try {
await pool.query("BEGIN")
await pool.query("DO $$
gen_ulid UUID;
gen_ulid = generate_ulid();
INSERTION queries ...
END $$;")
await pool.query("COMMIT")