I'm using a formatter on one of my Jqgrid column to create some line breaks each time the delimiter " ; " is found in the cell but I don't know why it only works on the first one. If a cell contain more than one delimiter then it not creates a second line break and the text stays in line after the first line break.
datatype: 'local',
data: MaingridQueryResults_1,
colModel: [
{name: 'id_contact', label: 'id', align:'left', hidden: true, width:30,},
{name: 'company_name', label: 'Société', align:'left', width:0, formatter:currencyFmatter},
{name: 'last_name', label: 'Nom', align:'left', width:0},
{name: 'first_name', label: 'Prénom', align:'left', width:0},
function currencyFmatter (cellvalue) {
return cellvalue.replace(/\s;\s/,'<br/>');
What am I missing ?
replace - replace only the first occurance use replaceAll instead like this
function currencyFmatter (cellvalue) {
return cellvalue.replaceAll(';','<br/>');