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STL priority_queue using reinsertion for key decrease not working

I'm trying to implement an A*-like algorithm, and I am having trouble implementing key decrease using the STL priority_queue container. I am trying to reinsert elements into the queue when I decrease the key, but they are still not getting popped before elements with higher key.

Here is the main A*-like loop with irrelevant details removed:

while (!(open.empty() || (goalExp && switchToEA(firstTimeGoal, reopen)) )) {
        Node *nextParent =;
        open.pop(); // Where the node gets popped
        if (closed.find(nextParent) != closed.end())
        for (auto &i: nextParent->getAdjacent()) {
            T state = i.first;
            cost_t edgeCost = i.second;
            Node *child;
            if (state_to_node.find(state) != state_to_node.end()) {
                child = state_to_node[state];

                if (nextParent->getGCost() + edgeCost < child->getGCost()) {
                    child->setGCost(nextParent->getGCost() + edgeCost);
                    child->setFCost(child->getGCost() + (*h)(state));
                    open.push(child); // Key decrease
            } else {
                child = new Node(nextParent->getGCost() + edgeCost, nextParent->getGCost() + edgeCost + (*h)(state),
                                 state, nextParent);
                open.push(child); // New node insertion
                state_to_node[state] = child;

Priority queue definition:

std::priority_queue<Node *, std::vector<Node *>, typename Node::Compare> open;

Comparator class:

class Compare {
        bool operator() (BaseNode * a,BaseNode * b) {
            return a->fcost > b->fcost;

        bool operator() (const BaseNode& a, const BaseNode& b) {
            return a.fcost > b.fcost;


  • Using std::set<std::pair<cost_t, Node *>> to store key value pairs and then deleting and reinserting on key updates solved my issue.