Search code examples

Filter query by an element from inner json array

Simple table in PostgreSQL 12.3

create table aaa(id integer, data json);

In data column stores JSON with the following form:

    "foo": 1,
    "persons": [
            "name": "2fdsdsd",
            "test": {
                "id": "123",
                "age": 32
    "some_prop": "123"

I need to find all records from aaa where = '123' or where test = null.


  • If that's jsonb, you can use @? operator with a jsonpath: demo

    select id, jsonb_pretty(data) from aaa
    where data @? '$.persons[*].test?("123" || @==null)';

    Which means roughly

    1. Take what's under persons key
    2. Assume it's an array and inspect all its elements
    3. In each element check test key
    4. Under test, see if value for key id is '123' or if the whole test is null.

    If it's a plain json, you can cast it:

    select id, jsonb_pretty(data::jsonb) from aaa
    where data::jsonb @? '$.persons[*].test?("123" || @==null)';