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PITest with gradle Unsupported class file major version

I'm trying to get pitest running in this java gradle project but having a VERY difficult time... 😢

I have at least two problems: one about packages and one about Java versions.


The first issue is that my project is set up with a public class not contained within any package. I know it is kind of an antipattern to do this, but for a project with only a single java class and test file it seems unnecessary to have an additional package container.

Anyway, it seems like pitest cannot file the file without it being inside of a package. Any I wrong here? Is there something I can put for the "testClasses" value that it would pick up my Lasagna class?


Ok, so in the code here I have declared the "LP" package for my Lasagna class and updated my build.gradle with this pitest block:

pitest {
    targetClasses = ['LP*']  // by default "${}.*"
    threads = 4
    outputFormats = ['XML', 'HTML']
    timestampedReports = false
    junit5PluginVersion = '1.2.0'

The problem though is when I run gradle pitest I get an "Unsupported class version" Error...

Task :pitest FAILED 11:17:45 AM PIT >> INFO : Verbose logging is disabled. If you encounter a problem, please enable it before reporting an issue. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported class file major version 65 at org.pitest.reloc.asm.ClassReader.( at org.pitest.reloc.asm.ClassReader.( at org.pitest.reloc.asm.ClassReader.( at org.pitest.classinfo.ClassInfoVisitor.getClassInfo( at org.pitest.classinfo.Repository.nameToClassInfo( at org.pitest.classinfo.Repository.fetchClass( at org.pitest.classinfo.NameToClassInfo.apply( at org.pitest.classinfo.NameToClassInfo.apply( at java.base/java.util.function.Function.lambda$andThen$1( at java.base/$7$1.accept( at java.base/java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining( at java.base/ at java.base/ at java.base/$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential( at java.base/ at java.base/ at org.pitest.classpath.CodeSource.getCode( at org.pitest.mutationtest.verify.DefaultBuildVerifier.verify( at org.pitest.mutationtest.tooling.MutationCoverage.verifyBuildSuitableForMutationTesting( at org.pitest.mutationtest.tooling.MutationCoverage.runReport( at org.pitest.mutationtest.tooling.EntryPoint.execute( at org.pitest.mutationtest.tooling.EntryPoint.execute( at org.pitest.mutationtest.commandline.MutationCoverageReport.runReport( at org.pitest.mutationtest.commandline.MutationCoverageReport.main(

When I run gradle -v I get this output:

Gradle 8.3

Build time: 2023-08-17 07:06:47 UTC Revision: 8afbf24b469158b714b36e84c6f4d4976c86fcd5

Kotlin: 1.9.0 Groovy: 3.0.17 Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.13 compiled on January 4 2023 JVM: 21 (Homebrew 21) OS: Mac OS X 12.4 x86_64

When I run java -v it outputs an error, but I do have jabba installed and can switch versions if I need to, but I am unsure if it even wants me to switch the version my current shell is using or which version to switch it to...


  • You are using the default version of pitest used by 1.9.0 of the gradle plugin. This is very old.

    Either configure an explicit recent version of pitest

    pitest {
        pitestVersion = '1.15.0' 

    Or upgrade to the recent 1.15.0 release of the gradle plugin which uses pitest 1.15.0 by default.