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Compare two Excel worksheets in two files

I am trying to compare two Excel files:

  • PO File.xlsx
  • Inventory File.xlsx

Each file contains one worksheet with following columns
Item code, Item Name, Qty
I want to compare the Qty in the inventory file with the Qty in the PO File (PO is received from customers and items in it are to be checked whether available in stock (inventory) or not)


I have the following code.

Sub CrossCheckInventoryPO()
    Dim InventoryWs As Worksheet
    Dim POWs As Worksheet
    Dim InventoryFileName As Variant
    Dim POFileName As Variant
    Dim CommonColumn As String
    Dim LastRow As Long

    ' Prompt the user to select the inventory file
    InventoryFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xls*), *.xls*")
    If InventoryFileName = "False" Then Exit Sub
    ' Prompt the user to select the PO file
    POFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xls*), *.xls*")
    If POFileName = "False" Then Exit Sub
    ' Set the common column header (e.g., "item code")
    CommonColumn = "Qty" ' Change this to match your actual column header
    ' Set the worksheets for inventory and PO
    Set InventoryWs = Workbooks.Open(InventoryFileName).Worksheets(1)
    Set POWs = Workbooks.Open(POFileName).Worksheets(1)
    ' Find the last row in the inventory and PO worksheets
    LastRow = InventoryWs.Cells(InventoryWs.Rows.Count, CommonColumn).End(xlUp).Row
    ' Loop through each row in the inventory worksheet
    For i = 2 To LastRow ' Assuming headers are in row 1
        ' Get the value from the common column in the inventory sheet
        Dim InventoryValue As Variant
        InventoryValue = InventoryWs.Cells(i, CommonColumn).Value
        ' Use VLOOKUP to find the corresponding value in the PO sheet
        Dim POValue As Variant
        On Error Resume Next ' Ignore errors temporarily
        POValue = Application.VLookup(InventoryValue, POWs.Range(CommonColumn & ":" & CommonColumn), 3, False)
        On Error GoTo 0 ' Reset error handling
        ' Check if an error occurred during the VLOOKUP
        If IsError(POValue) Then
            ' Do something when the value is not found in the PO sheet
            ' For example, highlight the row in red or display a message
            InventoryWs.Rows(i).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) ' Red color
        End If
    Next i
    ' Close the inventory and PO workbooks without saving changes
    InventoryWs.Parent.Close SaveChanges:=False
    POWs.Parent.Close SaveChanges:=False
    ' Inform the user that the process is complete
    MsgBox "Cross-checking completed!", vbInformation
End Sub

The items that are present in the PO file but not in the inventory file should be highlighted in red.
Plus items that are available in the inventory file but their Qty is less than what it is in the PO file should also be highlighted (may be in some different color).


  • Your code is nearly complete.


    • CommonColumn = "C" common column should be column name (index) instead of header name
    • Ensure that the 2nd parameter of VLookup begins from column A.
    • Apply a yellow highlight to indicate lower inventory levels.
    • Loop through PO worksheet, validate qty against inventory
    • Highligh and save the PO file.
    Option Explicit
    Sub CrossCheckInventoryPO()
        Dim InventoryWs As Worksheet
        Dim POWs As Worksheet
        Dim InventoryFileName As Variant
        Dim POFileName As Variant
        Dim CommonColumn As String
        Dim LastRow As Long
        ' Prompt the user to select the inventory file
        InventoryFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xls*), *.xls*")
        If InventoryFileName = "False" Then Exit Sub
        ' Prompt the user to select the PO file
        POFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xls*), *.xls*")
        If POFileName = "False" Then Exit Sub
        ' Set the common column header (e.g., "item code")
        CommonColumn = "C" ' **
        ' Set the worksheets for inventory and PO
        Set InventoryWs = Workbooks.Open(InventoryFileName).Worksheets(1)
        Set POWs = Workbooks.Open(POFileName).Worksheets(1)
        ' Find the last row in the inventory and PO worksheets
        LastRow = POWs.Cells(POWs.Rows.Count, CommonColumn).End(xlUp).Row
        ' Loop through each row in the inventory worksheet
        For i = 2 To LastRow ' Assuming headers are in row 1
            ' Get the value from the common column in the inventory sheet
            Dim InventoryValue As Variant
            Dim POValue As Variant
            POValue = POWs.Cells(i, CommonColumn).Value
            ' Use VLOOKUP to find the corresponding value in the PO sheet
            On Error Resume Next ' Ignore errors temporarily
            InventoryValue = Application.VLookup(InventoryValue, POWs.Range("A:" & CommonColumn), 3, False)
            On Error GoTo 0 ' Reset error handling
            ' Check if an error occurred during the VLOOKUP
            If IsError(InventoryValue) Then
                ' Do something when the value is not found in the PO sheet
                ' For example, highlight the row in red or display a message
                POWs.Rows(i).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) ' Red color
            ElseIf POValue > InventoryValue Then ' **
                POWs.Rows(i).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) ' Yellow color ' **'
            End If
        Next i
        ' Close the inventory and PO workbooks without saving changes
        InventoryWs.Parent.Close SaveChanges:=False ' **'
        POWs.Parent.Close SaveChanges:=True
        ' Inform the user that the process is complete
        MsgBox "Cross-checking completed!", vbInformation
    End Sub

    Utilizing a Dictionary object to enhance efficiency.

    1. Loading all data into an array.
    2. Implementing highlighting rules:
    • For cases of no inventory, highlighting the PO in red.
    • For cases of lower inventory, applying yellow highlights to both the PO and inventory.
    Option Explicit
    Sub CrossCheckInventoryPO()
        Dim InventoryWs As Worksheet
        Dim POWs As Worksheet
        Dim InventoryFileName As Variant
        Dim POFileName As Variant
        Dim CommonColumn As String
        Dim LastRow As Long, i as Long
        Dim arrInv, arrPO, objDic
        InventoryFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xls*), *.xls*")
        If InventoryFileName = "False" Then Exit Sub
        POFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xls*), *.xls*")
        If POFileName = "False" Then Exit Sub
        CommonColumn = "C" 
        Set InventoryWs = Workbooks.Open(InventoryFileName).Worksheets(1)
        Set POWs = Workbooks.Open(POFileName).Worksheets(1)
        ' Clean highligh
        InventoryWs.Cells.Interior.Pattern = xlNone
        POWs.Cells.Interior.Pattern = xlNone
        set objDic = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")    
        ' Loading inventory data
        LastRow = InventoryWs.Cells(InventoryWs.Rows.Count, CommonColumn).End(xlUp).Row
        arrInv = InventoryWs.Range("A1:" & CommonColumn & LastRow).Value
        For i = 2 To LastRow 
            objDic(arrInv(i,1)) = Array(Val(arrInv(i,3)), i)
        ' Loading PO data
        LastRow = POWs.Cells(POWs.Rows.Count, CommonColumn).End(xlUp).Row
        arrPO = POWs.Range("A1:" & CommonColumn & LastRow).Value
        Dim sKey As Variant
        For i = 2 To LastRow         
            sKey = arrPO(i,1)
            If objDic.Exists(sKey) Then
                ' Inventory exist
                If arrPO(i, 3) > objDic(sKey)(0) Then
                    ' Low inventory
                    POWs.Rows(i).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) 
                    InventoryWs.Rows(objDic(sKey)(1)).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) 
                End IF
                ' No inventory
                POWs.Rows(i).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) 
            End If
        Next i
        ' Save workbook
        InventoryWs.Parent.Close SaveChanges:=True 
        POWs.Parent.Close SaveChanges:=True
        MsgBox "Cross-checking completed!", vbInformation
    End Sub

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