I have a Arraylist of answers, each answer contains either none or many answerValues. AnswerValues have an id.
What I would like to achieve is the following:
What I've tried so far to address 2. is:
.sorted((e1, e2) -> e1.getAnswerValues().get(0).getId().compareTo(e2.getAnswerValues().get(0).getId())).toList());
throws an NPE if answer has no answerValues.What would the ideal solution look like?
I think i have found a suitable solution for my problem now. But I have separated the sorting into three steps:
First thing I did is to sort the answerValues by ID:
for (SrmQsRfiAnswer answer: laneValues.getAnswers()) {
List <SrmQsRfiAnswerValue> answerValues = answer.getAnswerValues();
Now all answerValues of every answer are sorted by ID. Then I put all answers to a HashMap with the answer ID as key.
Map <Long, List< SrmQsRfiAnswer>> answerMap = laneValues.getAnswers().stream()
And in the final step, I sort the answers for each key in the Map by the lowest ID of the answerValues with a custom "comparator":
answerMap.values().forEach(listOfAnswers - > listOfAnswers.sort(Comparator.comparingLong(SrmQsRfiAnswer::getMinAnswerValueId)));
public class SrmQsRfiAnswer {
public Long getMinAnswerValueId() {
if (answerValues == null || answerValues.isEmpty()) {
return Long.MAX_VALUE; // Return a high value for null or empty lists
return answerValues.stream()